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English-Hindi > phantom indication

phantom indication meaning in Hindi

phantom indication sentence in Hindi

भ्रामक संकेत
phantom    आभास छाया प्रेत
indication    सूचना इंगित
1.To avoid phantom indications the design makes use of a special inverted toric lens ( i . e . a single clear Fresnel lens mounted step sides outwards ) with a portion of the lens steps painted black.

2.Lamps with inverted half toric optic lenses, covered with a light yellow tinted conical cover glass with a frosted tip to avoid phantom indications were displayed in rows of three, corresponding to the positions of a semaphore blade.

How to say phantom indication in Hindi and what is the meaning of phantom indication in Hindi? phantom indication Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.